6 Ways to Make Your Tropical Vacation Kid Friendly so Everyone Can Enjoy!
Explore how you can have fun with the kids on your Caribbean vacation in a kid friendly resort.
A vacation in the Caribbean is supposed to be a chance for you all to enjoy, unwind and make some memories. Though there can be a lot to think about when you take the whole family on vacation, it should be restful, cheerful, and ultimately enjoyable for all.
To help you to have your dream getaway with the kids, we have put together six ways in which you can make your family vacation in the All Inclusive Finest Playa Mujeres or Finest Punta Cana full of tailored moments and festive family fun.
This is your chance for everyone to celebrate their time off together.
1. The journey there
If you have babies then it is recommended that you bring along some milk, as a flight can be long and it helps them to adjust to the air pressure. You should, however, first check the flight restrictions in regards to this.
For other children who have not flown before, make sure you explain the airport and flight process before they experience it firsthand and you will find that it becomes a much easier journey for you all.
As for keeping them entertained, you may want to consider some of the following options in section two of this article.
2. Portable entertainment
Whether you are on the road, on a plane, or already relaxing by the pool in your kid friendly resort, it is important to have some portable activities for your young ones to enjoy.
If you go to the Finest Resorts Imagine Kids Club then a lot of these things will already be available so you will not have necessarily to bring everything with you but you should check nevertheless to see what is included at the resort and see if there is anything else you think you might want to bring along.
Though you likely know best what your child would most enjoy, here are a few suggestions of things that you could use to keep your children entertained.
This can be anything from their favorite comics to a sticker book or educational worksheet or coloring book. Find what your child likes and will keep them busy.
Creative activities:
Moldable clay, building blocks, and things they can draw with or be artistic with, make for a great way for them to expand upon their imagination and get creative.
Board games:
If you have more than one child then they may be able to play cards or other portable games together. However, whether you have one of five children, they are going to want to play with you. Pick out some games that you can play together as a family and make some amazing memories in the process.
Though you may want to put some limits on screentime, especially if you are surrounded by the stunning setting of the Caribbean, this is a proven way to keep your kid content and absorbed for as long as you let them. If you do choose this option, think about the possibility of multiplayer games that you can play with them or your kids can play together.
Like video games, tablets have their pros and cons. However, they do make for a great way for your kids to watch movies and their favorite TV shows. Put on some cartoons that they enjoy and feel free to watch them too.
This can include everything from a plushie to an action figure and more. Pick out some easy to transport toys that they will have fun with and try to avoid letting them lose any of their favorites whilst on vacation.
Audio books, music, and even ambient soundtracks can keep your children stimulated and involved throughout your vacation. Try it out and see if they like it.
Probably the most obvious thing to bring. Though most kids will always prefer candy and junk food, try to put together some healthy snacks that they will eat and take delight in.
3. Make them a photographer
An interesting idea to make every destination a delight for your child is to give them a disposable camera and make them a photographer for your trip. Assign them different tasks and see just how much they love photographing the wondrous beauty around them and capturing each moment. It makes them feel included and it allows you to go almost anywhere whilst they remain occupied.
4. Plan some family activities
Every family vacation needs to have some time reserved aside just to spend it together as a family unit. Find something that allows you to make some memories together that you will cherish forever. This can be something simple or something extravagant but the important thing is that you take the time out to focus on your family and enjoy each other's company whilst doing something fun.
5. Go somewhere just for them
This is different from a family activity that you choose. This is all about your child and what they want to do. Maybe they want to go to the Onespa that offers pampering for all ages? Maybe they want to see some animals? Or maybe they just want to build sandcastles with their parents on the beach?
Ask them what they would like to do and show them you care by reserving some moments to go where they want and take part in their desired activity.
6. Do not forget about daycare
Putting your child in daycare does not make you a bad parent. In fact, it can be quite the opposite. This is a chance for your child to engage with others and socialize in some interactive activities with other children. It is good for their social development and lets them experience a different environment.
On the other hand, it also gives the parents a chance to recover and refresh themselves so that when they pick their children up they can continue to show them the right amount of love and attention that they need.
With all of these six points in mind, it is always a good idea to check the resort where you are planning on staying and see what kinds of family activities and amenities are available so that you can plan ahead for your ultimate family vacation in the Caribbean.
Tags: Family time on your Caribbean vacation, Finest Playa Mujeres, Finest Punta Cana
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