How to Beat The Heat Outside And Stay Cool in The Tropical Sun
What will keep you cool in the sun on a hot day? Come and see the top travel tips for beating the heat on vacation in the Caribbean.
Wearing trendy sunglasses and walking with a visible swagger is not the only way to stay cool these days. In fact, it's not the kind of cool I am talking about at all. Instead, I want to talk about how you can beat the heat and relax in the warmth of the sun without sacrificing your comfort.
With these top tips, you are gonna strut your stuff out in the sunshine and stay cool and comfortable throughout each day. This is how you stay fresh and fabulous in the tropics!
Drink lots of water
Your body already has a refrigeration system built in. Your brain says when it's hot and then tells the rest of you to start cooling yourself down with liquid. But much like any refrigeration system, you need some coolant. In this case, what you need is water.
Staying hydrated is not just refreshing and good for your health but it is essential to keeping cool on a hot day. If you don't want to dry up like a raisin, you need to drink plenty of water. If you are drinking cocktails on the beach, that's lovely and most likely delicious, but since alcohol dehydrates you, you may need to start glugging down even more water depending on what alcoholic beverages you drink.
Refreshing foods
Drinks are refreshing but your food can be too. Select cold and juicy treats to make yourself feel a little bit cooler and beat the heat. Look for watermelon, apples, cucumbers, lettuce, leafy greens, and then sweet delights like ice cream, and frozen yogurt.

This is not to say that you cannot eat all the other normal food you might enjoy. But the key here is to just have a small portion that sits light on your stomach. Eating lots can be like putting on an extra jacket of insulation, which is counterintuitive to staying cool. So indulge yourself, but keep it to a limit so you can also stay comfortable in the sun.
Wear the right fabrics
Lots of people ask “What material should you wear to stay cool in the sun”. Whilst some might consider staying in your swimsuit the best option, you may also want to keep yourself covered to protect yourself from sunburn. So when choosing the fabric try and choose from the following materials:
By far the top option from this list. It allows your skin to breathe, it is lightweight, and better yet, it's affordable.
This fabric is loosely woven allowing heat to escape easily. It's a stiffer material but that can be advantageous to help avoid it sticking to your skin.
Made as a more cost effective version of silk. This blend of cotton with natural and light synthetic fibers is comfortable in the heat and great for sports attires.
Denim is great at absorbing sweat but it really too heavy for the sun. If you want a good alternative you should try this imitation denim that is much lighter.
This material has been designed to draw moisture out from your body whilst also drying fast making it great for a workout on a hot day.
This one has similar benefits to Polyester but is also stretchy and is a great option for summer shoes.
This is known as a luxury fabric due to the difficult process of creation. But, if you can afford it, you can enjoy a delicate yet breathable fabric ideal for dresses.
In addition to choosing the right fabric, try and choose a style that has plenty of ventilation or is loose fitting so that the heat doesn't get trapped in the fabric.
Wear the right colors
Ok now let's talk about what colors to wear in the sun to beat the heat. Research shows that darker colors usually offer the best UV protection from the sun. Dark blue in fact shows the greatest protection of all but even some bright colors like deep red can be very effective whilst whites and yellows offer the worst protection.
But, there is a problem here because dark colors like black and navy blue though great at protecting from the sun, are also the colors likely to absorb the heat the most and leave you hotter than ever.
So what colors keep you cool in the sun?
Most people know that white reflects the heat making it a nice cool option but studies show that other effective colors include grey, yellow, and red. The hottest colors are black, blue, and green.
What does this mean then? It means that you can choose between sun protection and staying cool which are all different colors. But, if there is one color that has the best of both worlds for staying cool outside and safe in the sun. This is bright red.
Seek some shade
Being in the sun doesn't mean that you have to actually be in the full sun. There is always some shade to be found. Be aware though that shaded spots will change depending on the time of day, so even if you are under a roof or a palm tree, it won't always stay shaded so be aware of this in case you fall asleep.
Heading to the shade will keep you cool in the sun outside, it will allow you to enjoy not only relief from the sun but also the heat that is absorbed from the floor and surfaces that the sun hits. This could be the temperature of the sand, of a tiled floor, or even the deckchair that you want to sit on.
Avoid the peak hours
The sun gets much hotter at certain times of the day. Many vacationers might not be aware of these hotter hours but the locals often avoid going out during these times so that they do not have to face the full blast of the sun.
The best times to go out are usually early in the morning or in the evening after five. You can still enjoy the rest of the day but it is usually wise to try and seek some shade or stay out of the sun from midday until around four o'clock. This is when the sun gets too hot for comfort and is also when you are most likely to burn.
Take a dip in the water
There is nothing quite like a dip in the pool or a leisurely swim in the ocean on a hot day. It is soothing, refreshing, and deeply enjoyable. It just feels great. It's a great way to cool off quickly and to really enjoy the blend of cool water against the roasting heat of the sunshine.
Note however that being in the water does not work the same as shade and does not protect you from the sun. Therefore even if you feel cooler and don't feel hot at all, you can still burn, even underwater. So use it to stay cool but also make sure you stay safe in the sun.

Keep your accommodations cool
If you are in your suite, make sure to turn on the AC, close all the doors and windows and unplug your devices. It shouldn't take long, and soon you will be beating the heat in the comfort of your suite.
This is also a great option for a midday siesta. When things really heat up, you can head to your suite, blast on the air conditioner, and take a little nap until things cool off.
Do not forget the fans
Whilst your suite air conditioner likely has a fan option, you can also bring portable fans with you wherever you go. So yes, even at the beach or by the pool, you can bring a little handheld fan and use it to keep yourself cool.
Some of the best options however include hands free fans. This could be a portable fan that has a stand, or it could be one that clips onto your phone or book cover so that you can still enjoy other activities and not have to hold your fan all day.
Warm beverages and spicy food
We already mentioned cool and refreshing foods but now I'm going to show you a completely different way to go. Research shows that contrary to popular expectations, hot beverages and spicy food that heat up the body quickly are actually the quickest way to cool yourself down.
Wait, what? It's true. Since your body has its own interior AC, when it sees a cause for rapidly rising temperatures it will work even harder and faster to make sure you stay cool. So a good cup of tea and some chilli flavored food can actually cool you down quicker than ice cream and Margaritas.

Indulge in the heat!
So, are you ready to enjoy the sunshine? Remember to pack the right clothes, eat the right foods, use the shade, avoid the peak hours of the day, and bring a portable fan with you. In this way, not only can you beat the heat, not only will you keep cool outside during the day, but you can enjoy it to the full.
May you make the most of the tropical sun and have an incredible sunny Caribbean vacation.
Tags: Caribbean travel tips, Family time on your Caribbean vacation
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